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Active substance: Testosterone Propionate
Active life: 2 days
Detection time: 2-3 weeks
Testosterone Propionate is a single ester testosterone compound and represents one of the most important testosterone compounds every manufactured.
Effects of Testosterone Propionate:
* Muscle Growth
For the off-season athlete there is no anabolic steroid more important or beneficial than testosterone. High levels of testosterone will promote significant increases in lean muscle mass and strength. This is assuming that the individual is consuming adequate calories. However, the key to a successful off-season is gaining lean tissue while minimizing body fat gain to the fullest extent possible. By supplementing with Testosterone Propionate you will be able to achieve this more efficiently. High testosterone levels will promote a stronger metabolic rate.
* Cutting
Then we have the cutting phase, and Testosterone Propionate can be invaluable here. The key to successful dieting is not only losing fat but minimizing muscle tissue low. High testosterone levels will enable you to achieve this efficiently. Without an anabolic protectant like Testosterone Propionate, some lean muscle tissue loss will occur, this is a given. Due to the metabolic enhancement provided by high testosterone levels, the individual will also burn fat at a more efficient rate.
* Athletic Enhancement
Then we have the performance enhancing athlete, and as a versatile anabolic steroid the effects of Testosterone Propionate will cover a wide breadth in this category. Testosterone Propionate is an excellent steroid for athletes who may not have any bulking or cutting in mind. The increases in endurance and recovery along with improved strength will simply lead to more effective athletic performance.
* Enhanced Performance
Regardless of your purpose of use, all who supplement with Testosterone Propionate will find their muscular endurance is greatly enhanced. You will not tire out as fast. You will also find your overall rate of recovery is greatly improved, and it is through recovery that progress is made.
Side effects: gynecomastia, water retention, acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness, body hair growth, prostate enlargement, HDL cholesterol suppression and increases in LDL cholesterol, high blood pressure,virilization in women is likely (body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords, clitoral enlargement, menstrual irregularities); reduced hepatotoxicity, pronounced natural testosterone supression.
How to use:
For performance enhancing athletes, 25-50mg every other day is generally a solid dose of Testosterone Propionate to combat suppression caused by the use of other anabolic steroids. For a true anabolic benefit, doses will normally fall in the 100mg every other day range. Higher doses can be used, most men can tolerate 150-200 mg every other day very well. However, always keep in mind that the higher the dose the greater the probability of adverse effects.
Testosterone Propionate will stack well with any and all anabolic steroids. The cycle length is about 6-10 weeks.
It should be noted; when it comes to performance enhancement, Testosterone Propionate for women is not recommended.