35,00 €
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Active substance: Oxymetholone
Active life: 16 hours
Detection time: 8 weeks
Oxymetholone has been the strongest, oral steroidal compound, which is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which has been currently only available for institutional use in Mexico. Many athletes had claimed the strength and weight increases had been very substantial within is a relatively short period of time. This characteristic had allowed the compound of Anapolon to be a very popular choice of oral steroidal compounds amongst many athletes, primarily those of the male gender.
Effects of Anapolon:
* Muscle Growth
The effects of this steroid are without question some of the strongest among anabolic steroids. Oxymetholone is largely considered one of the most powerful steroids in existence, especially on the prescription market, and the results will be rapid. It is one of the premier mass building steroids, and it will significantly boost the individual’s strength. This steroid is so rapidly powerful it is not uncommon for the individual to gain as much as 20-30lbs in as little as 4-6 weeks of total use, but some of this will undoubtedly be water weight.
* Cutting
The final time for a performance enhancing athlete to use this steroid is during a cutting cycle; however, this will only apply to a select group. It can be a great steroid for a competitive bodybuilder at the tail end of his contest prep. This will aid him in providing a fuller look on stage as he will be able to fully maximize his carb load.
* Athletic Enhancement
Increased strength and power had commonly been desired by all athletes who had practiced the self administration of this compound, as this sensation had usually been indicative that the compound of Anapolon had indeed, been performing to it’s full capacity. Several athletes had also claimed that another distinguishing trait of Anapolon, had been the increased training duration’s, as this compound had been able to have stimulated the regeneration of the body, which often had enabled further muscle building progress, and had stalled the possibility of over training.
* Enhanced Performance
Regardless of the purpose of use, all those who use this steroid, will benefit from an improved recovery rate, as well as their muscular endurance. The athlets will not tire out as fast, and will be able to train longer and more intense.
Side effects: gynecomastia, water retention, acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth, HDL cholesterol suppression and increases in LDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, virilization in women ( body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords, clitoral enlargement, menstrual irregularities), very high hepatotoxicity, pronounced testosterone supression.
How to use:
This steroid requires daily administration. Most men will find a dosing of 50mg per day for 4-6 weeks to produce phenomenal results. Use should not surpass the six week mark for any reason due to the steroid’s hepatotoxicity. Doses that reach the 100mg per day range can be considered, but this will greatly increase the risk of side effects.
For women doses that are in the range of 15-30 mg per day are common with a total use of 4 weeks.