Trenbolone Acetate Nouveaux

  • 10 ampoules of 1 ml
  • Trenbolone Acetate 100 mg/ml
  • For I.M. use only


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Active substance: Trenbolone Acetate
Active life: 2-3 days
Detection time: 5 months

Trenbolone Acetate is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid and is considered the single greatest anabolic steroid by many performance enhancing athletes. This is one of the most versatile anabolic steroids on the market and can provide benefits quite unlike any other steroid.

Effects of Trenbolone Acetate:

* Muscle Growth
Trenbolone Acetate is a phenomenal off-season bulking steroid. When we refer to this hormonal compound as versatile, that is truly an accurate statement. There are very few anabolic steroids that can promote mass like Trenbolone Acetate. More importantly, the effects of Trenbolone Acetate in this regard are not only strong but are far cleaner than most traditional bulking steroids. This hormone will not and cannot promote water retention, meaning each and every pound of weight gained due to use will be lean muscle mass. Of equal importance will be this steroid’s ability to help the individual control fat gain during a period of growth.

* Cutting
During the cutting phase there is no anabolic steroid on earth as beneficial or as valuable as Trenbolone Acetate. This is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids available when it comes to the cutting phase and preserving lean tissue. During a diet, preserving lean tissue is one of the primary goals. The overall primary goal is losing body fat, but if lean muscle mass is not preserved, the diet cannot be deemed successful. By supplementing with Trenbolone Acetate, we ensure this doesn’t occur, ensure muscle mass is protected, and burn body fat at a higher and more efficient rate. The enhanced fat burning is due to the steroid’s ability to promote a more powerful metabolism and even promote direct fat loss due to the strong binding affinity to the androgen receptor. This steroid will have stronger conditioning effects like hardness, definition, and vascularity.

* Athletic Enhancement:
All who supplement with Trenbolone Acetate will also find this is one of the best anabolic steroids on earth for increasing strength. Those who supplement during a period of off-season growth will find tremendous increases in strength. However, even with maintenance level calories strength should still increase. During a caloric deficit, it is possible for a moderate strength increase to occur if the hormone is used early on in a diet.

* Enhanced Performance
Regardless of the purpose of use, all who supplement with Trenbolone Acetate will discover their muscular endurance is tremendously enhanced. This is a very common effect with numerous anabolic steroids, but perhaps a little stronger with Tren. Your muscles will not tire out as fast. However, some have reported that the use of the Trenbolone hormone tends to negatively affect their cardiovascular endurance, but this also appears to be a very individualistic type of thing. Regardless of this effect, muscular endurance will be enhanced as will the overall rate of recovery.

Side effects: no estrogenic side-effects; acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness, and body hair growth are possible; HDL cholesterol suppression and increases in LDL cholesterol, high blood pressure are possible; virilization in women is possible (body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords, clitoral enlargement, menstrual irregularities); reduced hepatotoxicity, pronounced testosterone supression.

How to use:
For physique related purposes, most men will find a dose of 50-100mg every other day to be a fantastic range. If higher doses are to be used, this will most commonly be during the cutting phase. Some men will be able to tolerate 100mg every day or 200mg every other day, but this does increase the risk of side effects greatly.
It is not recommended to be used by females.